Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The naked truth.

Today, after a power-walk and 15 minutes of yoga, I took a long hot shower and realized my legs felt kind of stiff, so I started stretching. This is something I sometimes do in the shower since it feels good to stretch under the hot water. But today I realized something. Holy shit, I look amazing naked! There are no six pack, no perfect muscle definition, but I'm relatively fit, I have enough definition and I'm soft where I'm supposed to be. I look like a healthy woman, ready to work out, dance, be loved, carry children, lift weights, relax on the couch.. I've found a balance of healthy life choices, exercise and I know how to re-charge my batteries. And to be at this point after being sick for almost a month, without any high pulse exercise in weeks - it feels amazing!

Today's realization; I love myself naked!