Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekend seminar.

Since I am doing my Master's mainly online, I sometimes happen to have weekend seminars. Which has meant Thursday through Sunday filled with online seminars that I had to listen to. The most fun one was when I was i Burlington last time. It started at 9.30am. Which meant 3.30am in Burlington. The only good thing was that it was over around 10.00am and I could go back to bed. But that was the deal for two days. It's a good thing I'm very quiet in the mornings, don't even think my boyfriend or roommates even noticed. Except that they had to be quiet when I went back to bed at 10, but people are usually not that loud in the am anyways.

This weekend I have seminars starting today at 1pm, going on until tomorrow afternoon around 5pm. Not too bad, and they are usually pretty interesting. The bring in people with different backgrounds that have different viewpoints on the subject - communication for development. Some of them are researchers that present their research (sometimes in a boring way, sometimes in a more innovative way of course, it's always tricky to present numbers in a way that can keep someone else's attention for a few hours), and some of them are more "hands on" - they are entrepreneurs who've worked in the development, communication, or media field in some way.

If you are interested in communication, development, media or maybe you're just curious to what I am really studying - you can watch the seminars live here; I look forward to Lisa Ann Richey's talk the most - this is her blog and what she will be talking about;

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